Is the Door of Your Heart Open?

At the age of 18, I awakened in the middle of the night to God beckoning my soul. But, I told him, “Lord, I’m not ready.” He didn’t use any words, yet I knew He wanted me to say yes and open my heart to Him.  At the time, I didn’t understand what saying “yes” meant, but the invitation was clear. I wasn’t ready to give up things that I thought I wanted to hold onto.

Months later, when I was ready and chose to be baptized, the Lord began to work in me. He was faithful to place people in my path that introduced me to His grace, mercy, and might.  My life had a new trajectory and hope. 

Why We Hesitate to Open Our Hearts

Think of your own experience with saying yes to Jesus. Is there hesitation? If so, what do you think holds you back? Tell Him what you are thinking. He knows anyway.

What might keep us from accepting His call? 

  • Fear of the unknown.
  • I’m a good person! I don’t need saving.
  • God couldn’t possibly save me- I’ve too many ghosts in my closet.
  • I’ve got to get my act together first (quit this or that) before I can.
  • Where was God when…?
  • I’m scared to come to grips with my past.
  • ?

I look back on that part of my life with the benefit of maturity, experience, and His grace and mercy. I remember the desire to finish my “fun” before I gave my heart to Him.

He Won’t Force Your Heart Open

The beautiful thing about it is that I didn’t have to change anything before I said yes. I’m thankful that He pursued me. He was patient while I made my own decision, not barreling His way in, demanding I follow Him. He simply loved me toward Him.

Saying yes does not guarantee a life free from trials and pain. I have still had my share of trials and heartaches since I invited Him in. As long as we live this side of heaven, we “will experience trials of many kinds,” (John 16:33). The difference is, we have His Spirit living in us, giving courage, peace, and joy in the midst of those trials. 

Open Your Heart Today

If you have never given your heart to Jesus, don’t wait another day. No matter what is holding you back, He has the answer. If you’re unsure, ask Him to show you. He will.

Be blessed.

I’m excited to share this song with you: My Jesus by Anne WilsonHe makes a way where there ain’t no way. Rises up from an empty grave. Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save. Let me tell you ’bout my Jesus. His love is strong and His grace is deep. And the good news is I know that He can do for you what He’s done for me. Let me tell you ’bout my Jesus! And let my Jesus change your life! Hallelujah.”

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